Apr 29, 2012

Install Octave Plugin in Eclipse

It's been a very annoying thing since I started using Octave on Mac.
For no good editor was there for me to use.

At last I could not stand it any longer. So I did some search, and here is what I got:


Yes, you get it, right?

I get it right, and enjoy myself now.

Mar 13, 2012

Android Save to SD Card Setting and notes for the Market Upload setting

There is an option under the “Publishing options” area in your app's market "product details",
the devil's name is "Copy Protection"

Set it to “ON”, the app data surely won't be saved to sd card, even if you explicitly specify "android:installLocation="preferExternal"" in your manifest.

If you are trapped here with this like me, you'd be happy to read this.

Hope this helped.

Mar 11, 2012

Dreamweaver and Xcode and Developer Folder

The dreamweaver site-> mobile applications requires you set ios developer sdk path.

Since Xcode 4.3 removed Developer folder and put it under /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer.

I tried to make an alias to that folder , but it didn't work.

So just put the whole path in the settings, all shall be fine.

Thank you!

Install Adobe Air SDK on a Mac

1. Download sdk from here:
  • http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/air-sdk-download.html
2. extract the downloaded file to a location, and here is mine:
  • /Users/chengyue/Documents/Software/Adobe/AirSDK/AdobeAIRSDK/
3. Add the "bin" folder under the AdobeAIRSDK to your mac's PATH.
  • export PATH=$PATH:/Users/chengyue/Documents/Software/Adobe/AirSDK/AdobeAIRSDK/bin
Now, try the following command to see if it works.
  • adt -version
If you followed the steps above, you should see the version displayed on your screen.
Not?go back and check!
4. if your don't want to execute the export command every time you restart your system, then create a .bash_profile under your home folder, mine is "/Users/chengyue/.bash_profile"
  • cd
  • vi .bash_profile
  • write down the command, save it and quit.
5. (optional) Shift to your terminal, and start a new shell, try "echo $PATH", you should see
the AdobeAIRSDK/bin in the output.


FYI, you can check the former answer to this problem from Adobe:

Jan 28, 2012

command used to check if processor is 64bit

grep --color=always -iw lm /proc/cpuinfo